 Bee Pollen (235g) 蜂花粉 (235克)

Bee Pollen (235g) 蜂花粉 (235克)

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簡介 : 蜂花粉來自澳洲純淨、無污染的自然環境,含有非常豐富的植物營養,包含大部份人體所需的營養物質,被譽為「全能營養品」。

原產地 : 澳洲-柏斯

淨重量 : 235克

成份 : 花粉是鐵、鋅、錳和銅的良好來源,22 種氨基酸、27 種礦物質,包括鋅、鈣、鎂和鐵,以及全系列的維生素 A、B、C、D、E 和 K,以及超過 100 種酶。花粉含有人類均衡飲食所需的所有已知營養素,它們是人類健康必不可少的關鍵因素。

功效 : 增強體、增強人體免疫力、美容抗衰老,抗氧化、預防心血管疾病、強化消化功能,改善便秘、消除疲勞,改善睡眠品質

蜂花粉可以糾正營養不足或不平衡的問題,這在我們當今消費不完整食物的文明中很常見,這些食物通常含有許多添加的化學成分。 花蜂花粉被運動員廣泛用於提高表現。食用蜂花粉會增加體內紅細胞的數量和體積。

食用方式 : 每天直接食用服用2-5克為保健方式,添加於牛奶及麥片進食。



Bee pollen comes from the pure and pollution-free natural environment of Australia. It is very rich in natural plant nutrients and contains most of the nutrients needed by the human body. It is known as an "all-round nutritional product".

Place of Origin: Australia-Perth

Net weight: 2g x 10 pieces

Ingredients: Pollen is a good source of iron, zinc, manganese and copper, 22 amino acids, 27 minerals including zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron, and a full range of vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, and over 100 enzymes. Pollen contains all the known nutrients required for a balanced human diet and are key factors essential to human health.

Benefit: Strengthen the body, enhance human immunity, beautify and anti-aging, antioxidant, prevent cardiovascular diseases, strengthen digestive function, improve constipation, eliminate fatigue, and improve sleep quality

Bee pollen can correct nutritional deficiencies or imbalances that are common in our current civilization that consumes incomplete foods that often contain many added chemical ingredients. Bee pollen is widely used by athletes to enhance performance. Consumption of bee pollen increases the number and size of red blood cells in the body.

*Not suitable for people with bee pollen allergies.

 Bee Pollen (235g) 蜂花粉 (235克)
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