Canned Black Rice

Canned Black Rice

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Shanghai Xiancui Food Co., Ltd. Shanghai Xiancui Food Co., Ltd.

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The nutritional value of black rice:

Black rice has a dark black color in appearance and rich nutrition. It's usually has the laudatory title of "Black Pearl" and "* *Rice in World". Black rice has a long history of cultivation. According to traditional Chinese medicine, black rice has significant medicinal value. In antique agricultural medical books, black rice has the effects of "nourishing yin and reinforcing kidney, keeping fit and warming stomach, improving vision and activating blood circulation", "clearing liver and moistening intestines", "conserving strength and replenishing vital essence, tonifying lung and curing problems with tendons", etc.; It can be used as medicine to eat, obtaining a better efficacy in dizziness, anemia, white hair, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, night blindness and tinnitus. Long-term consumption can prolong life. Therefore, black rice is commonly known as: "medicinal rice" and "longevity rice". Because it is most suitable for enriching blood for pregnant women and lying-in women, it is also called "confinement rice" and "blood enriching rice". Emperors of all dynasties also regarded it as a court health-care delicacy and called it "tribute rice".


Canned Black Rice
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