
You've Been Boiling Hot Dogs Wrong This Entire Time

Tag:hot dogs cooking 2024-12-25 14:00



Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock


From surprisingly tasty gas station dogs to toppings-laden ballpark franks, you really can't beat the classic hot dog. This all-American meal is also pretty easy to make at home, especially when it comes to boiling a whole mess of franks in one fell swoop. Because even simple cooking techniques require the right knowledge to pull off successfully, we asked Amelia Eudailey, owner of Hej Hej Swedish Style Hot Dogs, about how to avoid mistakes when boiling these sausages at home. Here are her exclusive answers.


According to Eudailey, boiling your dogs for too long is the biggest mistake you can make. The chef explained, "Generally speaking, you only need to bring the hot dog water to a low boil or a simmer, and then you can put a lid on the cover of your pot and do what we call 'hot hold' the hot dogs in the water." Once the water reaches the right temperature, you can turn off the stovetop and allow the franks to continue cooking, which greatly reduces the risk of an overdone dog. In general, aim for a temperature range between 150 and 160 degrees Fahrenheit, which you can confirm by piercing the boiled dogs with a meat thermometer.


Overcooking is a major hot dog sin






Cooking hot dogs for too long depletes their moisture and leads to a tough, chewy texture that's a far cry from the firm yet juicy consistency that people typically prefer. Fortunately, Amelia Eudailey's hot hold technique is ideal for optimal hot dog doneness. "The hot dogs remain the perfect temperature without over-cooking with the heat off and the hot water maintaining heat inside the pot with the lid on," the chef stated.


It usually takes between four and six minutes to boil a hot dog to perfection, but frozen dogs may take up to 10 minutes to get the texture just right. A perfectly done dog is also the ideal vessel for surprising toppings, like kimchi, roasted corn, and caramelized onions. And now that you know the proper boiling technique courtesy of Eudailey, here's our selection of hot dogs that use only the best, high-quality ingredients to ensure a delicious meal.




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