Tag:espresso martini garnish and serve 2024-12-24 11:43
Heleno Viero/Shutterstock
While mimosas often have a monopoly on brunch beverages, if you're looking for a spiked sip earlier in the day, an espresso martini's flavor profile makes it a natural fit. However, Cody Goldstein, mixologist and founder of Muddling Memories, has a tip to elevate your espresso martini and tailor it perfectly for the brunch table. "One fun addition we add to our espresso martinis is making a cinnamon simple syrup," Goldstein explains to Mashed. "This adds a great warming spice feel that offers latte vibes to the drink."
If you've never made any kind of simple syrup before, don't worry — as the name suggests, it's not complicated. In the easiest variation, creating a cinnamon simple syrup just involves simmering water, sugar, and cinnamon sticks until everything is dissolved. To make it a bit more potent, either increase the amount of cinnamon sticks or allow them to steep for a little bit longer before removing them. To add more brunch-worthiness to the mix, you might try splashing in a dash of maple syrup as well. It'll provide some extra sweetness and more of those morning flavors.
Better yet, cinnamon syrup is an incredibly versatile ingredient to have on hand, so don't worry about making a whole batch just for the occasional espresso martini. It goes just as well in tropical drinks, bringing in some of those warming flavors, and coffee drinks. Or, bring a little extra to the brunch table and drizzle it over your pancakes.
Garnish and serve
Our easy espresso martini recipe is a great starting point, and once you've crafted your batch of cinnamon simple syrup, you're ready for some brunch-worthy beverages. However, to dial up the brunch experience, there are a few other things you may want to consider. First, since you'll probably want to enjoy time with your guests without mixing up endless martinis, take Cody Goldstein's advice and prep a batch. To successfully do so, he recommends that you "always add 20% water to [the] volume of your batch to ensure the right amount of dilution if you are not shaking the batch." Pour the mixture in a chic carafe or pitcher and you'll be ready to dispense drinks the moment your guests sit down to dine.
Finally, you know your brunch preferences best — there are some opportunities for creativity in espresso martinis, even if they're a relatively simple and straightforward cocktail. First, don't underestimate the power of a garnish. An espresso bean is quite customary — definitely a brunch-worthy topping — but if you're a fan of sweet brunch dishes, you may want to garnish with a dusting of cocoa powder. And, for those who favor a blended beverage, you could try blending your espresso martini with ice for a slushy consistency.
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