Tag:David Rose Mistake Prime Rib 2023-12-01 10:36
Lauripatterson/Getty Images
Prime rib is usually made for a special occasion — so you'll want to make sure you get it right the first time around. Like most roasts, it's easy to overcook it or underseason the meat. That's why Omaha Steaks Executive Chef David Rose is sharing his roast-cooking tips this holiday season to make sure that everyone's taste buds are happy (and to help home cooks avoid the inevitable kitchen mishaps this year). In an exclusive interview with Mashed, Rose explained that the thawing process is where the biggest prime rib mistake lies.
According to the FDA, fresh roasts can be left in the refrigerator for three to five days or four to 12 months in the freezer. Once you take it out of the freezer in preparation for cooking, though, you'll want to follow Rose's advice. "Whenever you're doing the prime rib roast, with any large roast or large birds, you want to allow adequate time for it to thaw in the fridge," he said. As he explained, without the proper thaw time, your roast likely won't turn out as well as you'd hoped.
Allow the roast to get to room temperature
Nightanddayimages/Getty Images
Depending on the size, David Rose's rule of thumb is allowing a prime rib to thaw in the refrigerator for "at least one day for every four pounds of meat"; the same goes for a large turkey. He also told Mashed that taking it out of the fridge and allowing it to get to room temperature before cooking is the key to a perfect roast.
"That is a rookie mistake, because you'll have inconsistencies in cooking temperature, it'll take longer to cook, and it won't get that nice, brown coating on the outside — that delicious GBD (golden brown crust)," he detailed. The chef advised that you set out the prime rib for a minimum of one hour before cooking it, which will allow the temperature to level out for an even cook. After that, you can get to roasting — perhaps taking inspiration from Bobby Flay's prime rib recipe or our homemade prime rib recipe. Happy cooking!
Keep up with Chef David Rose on Instagram. Check out the Omaha Steaks website to learn more about their offerings.
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