
Plant pathology: Xylella fastidiosa research targets disease-resistant plants and pest control in almonds, grapes and olives

Tag:Plant pathology Peat control Disease-resistant 2023-08-28 10:47

Plant pathology: Xylella fastidiosa research targets disease-resistant plants and pest control in almonds, grapes and olives


Research on Xylella fastidiosa is advancing in resistant plants, insect vectors, targeted pest control strategies and advanced technologies for early detection, such as image analysis techniques. Preparedness and early detection remain key in the fight against this bacterium that continues to threaten Europe’s economy and environment, flags the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which recently held a global gathering of hundreds of scientific experts.

The recent event in France brought together more than 200 plant specialists on Xylella worldwide to discuss the research to control this bacterium.

The Xylella outbreak, associated with the drying up of olive trees and damaging other crops like almonds and grapes, was discovered many years ago. European authorities have been stepping up efforts to keep its spread under control as there is not yet a cure for this plant disease which has been particularly devastating for the olive industry in Italian growing regions.


Advancing Xylella resistance

Plant pathology: Xylella fastidiosa research targets disease-resistant plants and pest control in almonds, grapes and olives


The Xylella disease has been particularly devastating for the olive industry in Italian growing regions.


The event included contributions from major EU and transnational research initiatives on Xylella fastidiosa (BeXyl, Biovexo, ERC MultiX and Euphresco).

The main results presented at the event included updates on the status of epidemics in the EU, advances in resistance to Xylella in almonds, grapes and olives, improved knowledge of its insect vectors allowing for better control, and advanced tools for early detection.

Blanca B. Landa, chair of the conference and coordinator of the EU-funded project BeXyl (Beyond Xylella), says: “Thanks to EU funding, scientific research on Xylella fastidiosa has made significant progress, and the European conference highlights the many avenues science is pursuing to combat this harmful pathogen.”

“The BeXyl project is developing further this multidisciplinary approach, exploring all possible solutions to provide stakeholders and public authorities with innovative tools to manage the current outbreaks, rapidly detect new ones, and prevent further introductions into the EU.”

Giuseppe Stancanelli, head of EFSA’s Plant Health Risk Assessment Team, points out that EFSA has been supporting member states in the fight against Xylella in several ways, including by maintaining a global database of Xylella host plants, developing a harmonized surveillance system, funding targeted research, and facilitating collaboration between researchers and stakeholders to identify critical knowledge gaps and research priorities.

“The conference highlighted preparedness and early detection as key tools in the fight against Xylella while showcasing the tangible results that EU-funded research is delivering against major threats to Europe’s agricultural and environmental heritage,” he says.

#PlantHealth4Life campaign

With plant pests and diseases posing a significant economic and social threat to Europe, EFSA launched the #PlantHealth4Life campaign earlier this year in partnership with the European Commission and member states.

Backed by a comprehensive analysis of attitudes and behaviors toward plant health across the EU, this multi-year initiative aims to raise awareness among European citizens of the importance of plant health and everyone’s responsibility to safeguard it.


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