
Swap Egg Yolk For Soy Milk To Turn Homemade Mayo Vegan

Tag:mayonnaise homemade vegan 2023-08-18 13:39

Swap Egg Yolk For Soy Milk To Turn Homemade Mayo Vegan

Elena M. Tarasova/Shutterstock


Mayonnaise is a delicious condiment. It has been around for over 200 years and takes little effort to make. The ingredients list is short, but that ensures mayonnaise is a fatty sauce that satisfies salt cravings. The only problem is that it contains eggs, which means it is not a vegan-friendly food option. However, eggs are not the only ingredient you can use to make mayonnaise. There is another component that is a vegan-friendly choice that mimics many of the important properties that eggs bring to mayonnaise.

If you want to lose the eggs and make your homemade mayonnaise a vegan option, soy milk is a solid ingredient to add. The reason soy milk works so well in place of eggs is that it contains a blend of proteins, sugar, and starch. These properties allow the soy milk to whip up with a thick, rich texture that mimics the results you get when whipping eggs.


Tips for making homemade mayonnaise with soy milk


Swap Egg Yolk For Soy Milk To Turn Homemade Mayo Vegan

Carlosgaw/Getty Images


You don't have to be a vegan to love vegan mayonnaise. When made properly, it has all the things we love, including that yummy thickness and an irresistible, creamy texture. However, vegan mayonnaise lacks animal products, which means it is a cholesterol-free food.

While making vegan mayonnaise requires less than a handful of ingredients, and it can be made in minutes, there are a few things to keep in mind that will help you achieve the best results. To start, make sure your oil and soy milk are at the same temperature. Room temperature is best because it's easy to attain. Also, to whip your ingredients thoroughly to get the best consistency in the shortest amount of time with the least effort, use an immersion blender. And, if your mayonnaise isn't turning out as thick as you like, the simple fix is to add a little more oil.

When your vegan mayonnaise is finished, store it in the refrigerator in an air-tight container. Not only does the cold keep the mayonnaise thick, but it will also help your homemade condiment stay fresh for up to two weeks.


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