
Half of British meat-eaters admit they don't know their rump from their ribeye

Tag:meat-eaters rump meat eaters 2022-04-22 09:29


Half of British meat-eaters admit they don


Half of British meat-eaters are just going through the motions - and admit they don’t know their rump from their ribeye.

A study of 2,000 adults found the nation falls short when it comes to knowing one joint of beef from another.

Of those polled, almost half (46 per cent) weren't able to identify where a sirloin steak comes from on a cow, and a further 48 per cent couldn’t place where a fillet steak comes from.

Despite this, the sections Brits are confident they could identify on the animal include the rump (56 per cent) and oxtail (42 per cent).

The research was commissioned by Ladies in Beef to celebrate Great British Beef Week (23rd-30th April), and found that when it comes to cooking beef, people are most confident with mince (59 per cent) and sirloin steak (54 per cent).

Jilly Greed, Ladies In Beef co-founder, said: “Despite being a meat-loving nation, it’s clear many are confused about where different cuts of beef come from.

“Ordering steak isn't always straightforward, and research has proved that there's plenty of room for improvement when it comes to the nation knowing which parts of a cow we're actually consuming.

“Great British Beef Week is about celebrating British beef and our British beef farmers, who work all year round to produce top quality meat.

“Britain’s unique climate is well-suited to livestock, with plenty of rain and an abundance of grass which in turn produces delicious, nutritious beef.”

The study also found more than two-thirds (68 per cent) of people surveyed were unable to correctly identify fillet steak as the most expensive cut.

Sirloin, rump and T-bone are the best-known steak cuts, while shank, chuck and shin are not well known, according to the research.

Of those polled, 67 per cent are meat eaters, and on average consume two cuts of steak each month and four beef-based meals.

Nearly four in five (79 per cent) agreed it’s important to them that the beef they eat both at home and when dining out is British.

A further half believe British red meat is sustainably sourced, and 42 per cent think UK farming practices are more sustainable than other countries.

The nation’s favourite cuts to eat are fillet (22 per cent), sirloin (21 per cent) and ribeye (11 per cent), according to the figures.

And the most popular beef-based meals are roast beef (45 per cent), burgers (32 per cent) and spaghetti Bolognese (31 per cent).

The most common styles to cook at home are mince (52 per cent) and steak (19 per cent) - however, over a quarter (27 per cent) admitted they tend to eat steak when dining out because they can’t cook it well.

Jilly added: “Great British Beef Week is a time for us to champion this, so the nation can enjoy tucking into local, sustainable beef, that’s full of excellent flavour too.”

The nation's top 20 favourite beef-based meals:
Roast beef
Beef burgers
Spaghetti Bolognese
Cut of steak
Cottage pie
Chilli con carne
Steak and ale pie
Beef stew
Beef casserole
Spaghetti and meatballs
Beef curry
Beef wellington
Beef bourguignon
Beef stroganoff
Beef stirfry
Crispy chilli beef
Beef tacos
Beef pot roast
Beef tagine


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